Monday, October 12, 2009

One sick little girl.

What a weekend, you always have to love it when a weekend fly’s by right? Not here, I like to enjoy my weekends. I like to have family time and this past weekend just did not seem like I got the quality family time that I wanted.

Saturday started out cold it felt like snow. I am running a re-election campaign for our Mayor and we had a fundraiser luncheon. It was a great turn out and great food. Brick 29 in Nampa donated their services. If you ever get a chance to eat at Brick 29 you MUST! Their food is the BEST! Dustin the chef has won many awards and is super nice!! You have to try the bacon, I have NEVER has anything like it before. YUMMMM

After the luncheon my son had a soccer game. So all bundled up we watch his team win their soccer game. During the game my son collided with another player, as a mom it was my first instinct to run across the field and see how he was, but I didn’t. I waited until he was on the sideline and then ran over to him! He was fine just a bump and within 5 minutes he was back in the game.

After the game we came home and watch college football all evening with a fire burning in the fire place it was a great way to end the day. On Sunday we woke up and got ready for church. My daughter who never plays sick came in and told me she did not feel well, I said you are ok lets get ready to go. So we got to church she went into children’s church. After church she came into the main church and she had sick eyes. I felt her head and my baby was burning up. So off to the Doc-in-the-Box we went. We get to the Dr. she has a fever and because she was vaccinated for the regular flu they tested her for H1N1 and sure enough it came back positive…

Chalk that up to another “Worst Mother” award. I hate it when I get those awards. I should have listen to her and kept her home. Well we are home now and she is resting, right now she is also getting EVERYTHING she wants! It is the least I can do, she is my sick baby :-(

Lesson for the mom here: Listen to your kids, if they say they do not feel well they may be telling the truth!