Friday, October 2, 2009

Fall is is the air

I love this time of year! When the weather changes and it starts to get cooler in the evenings, this is REAL football season weather.

My kids so badly want to buy a pumpkin EVERYTIME we go to the store. So I gave in and said FINE! BUT….. You can not carve them until it is closer to Halloween. Yes I know I am no fun LOL. BUT, I did find these awesome pumpkin sticker kits that work great. They are called “Mr. Pumpkin Face.” They must have known I was coming because there was a princess one just for me!

So after a long 5 minutes of my kids decorating the pumpkins they were gone outside and off to other things. WOW, if I would have known that there would have been NO mess and it wasn’t going to take up my whole evening decorating these pumpkins I would have bought 12 more. In fact I may go back to the store and get more just so I have something to do during the day now.

As I was sitting here typing out this post, I saw someone jump my gate (I have a gated driveway to keep out the riff raff) and walk up to my door… Umm hello, can I help you? There is a reason I have a gate at my drive way! Only VIP get the code, like UPS, FEDEX, people who bring me goodies. Lucky for him he did have a check for me. Okay, I will let you cross!

That freaks me out when someone I do not know comes up to my door after jumping my gate. Really?!?! I do have a “call” button that you can push and if I want to I can let you in. IT SAYS “CALL” all you have to do is READ!

Lucky for him my man eating dog was not out LOL! That is a story for another day.

Before I go I just want to say how happy I am that I get to live in Idaho. As I look out my front door I see the Owyhee Mountains, and as I look at my back door I get to see Bogus Mountain. I never thought I would like living in BFE on 8 acres but after 6 years I have to say I am enjoying the quiet solitude.