Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Holiday Collection

Thank God for answering prayers. I must say last night was a rough night with Lexi and her coughing. About 4am I woke up and just started to pray for her and within no time her coughing had stopped and she was resting well.

Today has been a good day for her. No fever all day! She has a real bad sore throat and her little nose is plugged, but other than that she is doing better, we will pray it stays this way!

As a mom when one of my kids gets sick I feel that it gives me an excuse not to do ANYTHING! But I could not take it anymore last night. I had to clean… So I did, I cleaned everything but the bathrooms (as those are my favorite so I want to save them for a special day!) So today again, I had the urge to do nothing so at about 1:00pm I decided I better get into the shower, so I did. Then after that I didn’t do a thing. No make up, my hair looks like I stuck my finger in an electrical outlet (because I have such GREAT hair that if I do not dry it and flat iron it I end up with an afro.) So yes I am rocking the afro look right now! I love these days!

My birthday is tomorrow and I had such wonderful plans, but I have established a routine with my birthday. It seems as if every other year I am at home taking care of myself or someone else who is sick in my family. I guess this year it will be my daughter! That’s ok; it will be a mommy and daughter birthday!

I have to say how excited I am about the Holiday Scentsy warmers that are coming out! They are super cute! If you want to see more please visit my Scentsy web site at www.Scentsy.com/Autumn

As soon as everyone in my house is better I am going to start my fundraiser for Victims of Domestic Violence and Child Abuse! Every year I hold a fund raiser and all the money raised goes to different organizations that help the victims. October is Nation Awareness month for Domestic Violence and Child Abuse! I am hoping to be able to put one together before months end! Wish me luck that all start to feel better soon!!!