Monday, October 5, 2009

First Cold day of the Year.

I love the weekends, even if it does rain almost ALL weekend. This weekend started out with soccer games! Can you say FREEZING? Yes, I think the first real cold day of the year is always the hardest. It was chilly outside. No it was down right COLD!

After the two soccer games Marty and I went to visit his sister. I bring up the visit because it was wonderful to get to talk with her about God and her personal relationship with God. We were able to witness to her and hopefully open up a new door in her life.

After our visit it was time for the BSU vs. UC Davis football game…. UMMMMM Thank goodness for little girls. My daughter DID NOT want to go! She said it was to cold. So that meant I was going to be able to stay home with her and watch the game from my couch with a cup of hot coco….. Yes I did win the award for the “smartest” person in the family that night!

While everyone at the game froze to their seats or had to stand up by the little donut hut and do jumping jacks to stay warm, Lexi and I sat in our toasty warm house playing battleship and watched the game on TV. My momma didn’t raise no dummy!

Kaiden and Marty did have fun at the game. My new Miss Idaho Intl, is a drum major for the Boise State Blue Thunder Marching Band, and she was there leading the band. Kaiden was able to say hello and have his picture taken with her… Every little boys dream right!?!? A picture with a beauty queen…

On Sunday we went to church, which I must say was a well needed does of the Holy Spirit. I LOVE being able to go to church and praise and worship and come home with a new spirit. It is the BEST way to start a new week.

After church our family (the 4 of us, my mom and dad and my aunt, uncle, and two cousins) went to Brick 29 in Nampa that has the BEST bacon in the whole world!!! Yes I think I ate about ½ the pig myself! It is that good!!! So needless to say come dinner time I was still full from brunch. It was a wonderful Sunday and a great way to wrap up the weekend.

I must say for it being a Monday it has been a quiet day! I like this!!! I know I should be doing laundry or dishes or baking something but it is one of those days were I want to lie on the couch all day wrapped up in my blanket and watch Lifetime!

I will be speaking out our church on the 26th of October about becoming an Overcomer. So I did take the better part of the morning preparing a talk. I am very encouraged at what I will be able to share with other ladies. I would like to invite you to come and listen to what I have to say. You may learn a thing or two about yourself!

As the date draws closer I will post more. Anyway, I guess I should get back to whatever it was that I was doing before I took a break to blog!