Sunday, August 11, 2013

Judge of the pageant

I was asked to judge a pageant on Saturday. I will say it was a lot if fun. There were contestants of all ages. From as young as 2- to .....well some had 5 kids and looked amazing, we don't need an age for them! 

I love seeing young girls and ladies out on a stage and showing confidence! That is part of the sport of pageantry.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

What a journey

What a journey I have been on the whole month of July..... First the loss of my grandma, I know I talked about her before, but she was such an amazing woman who I will miss. I will her her wisdom, her prayers, and her advice!
Grand-kids and Great-Grand kids placing roses on the casket
I will say I did have a wonderful time with both my cousins. I ALWAYS have to remind them that I'm the oldest grandchild and the ONLY girl, therefore I'm the favorite!!! Not really, but I like to tell them that!

It was so hard for me to see my dad so sad. I can't say I know what it is like to loose a mother, but I did not like to see him so sad. 

It was nice to see family from Ireland, and family I have not seen in a LONG time!

 My son also was able to sit in a Lamborghini. What 13 year old would not wast to sit in an amazing car!

 Oh and did I mention that when Grandpa fell asleep next to Kaiden, he decided to take pictures of it?
Well, I am feeling blessed to have such an amazing family!

Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Passing of my Gandma

I want to take a moment to say how blessed I am to have had such an amazing Grandmother. I am the oldest grandchild and the ONLY granddaughter! I had a special bond with her. The week before she passed I was able to spend the whole week with her caring for her. It was such a special time for myself, and my kids. I will always cherish the last days I had with her. 

I am now creating her slideshow, and as soon as it is finished I will post it here. Going through all the pictures had brought back so many memories. Anyone who knew her was blessed. She may not be with us on earth, but she will always be in our hearts!

Love you grandma!

My Grandma and I

Sunday, July 7, 2013

Thank you sponsors for the gifts.

I would like to take a moment to thank all the sponsors of the America's SUPER pageant for the gifts we received. 

The crown wallet and Turning Heads- Portraits of Grace, Inspiration and Possibilities that was donated by Ani V Hudgens. 

Holly Hardwick Crowns for the discount to 

Pageantry Magazine for my year subscription to Pageantry!!!

Bessies Boutique for the gift certificate, be sure to visit 

Wendi Russo, She is AMAZING!!! Can't wait to train some more with her!! Visit her web site She really does coach winners!!!

Mari D photography

My earrings that match my crown!!! From Autumn Kastein at The Glass Slipper Pageant Resale

Tiara Bags for my wonderful crown bag!! Trust me this is a great gift! It keep the crown clean and safe! Visit

Tammy with Gigi Hill Bags 

Thank you to ALL the sponsors! You are all appreciated so much!

Saturday, June 29, 2013

America's SUPER Pageant

What a wonderful weekend. I arrived in Hamilton, Mt. on Thursday night. We went out to eat at a place called the Kodiak (YUM!), the people in Hamilton are the kindest people!

After we checked into the hotel, Lexi and I decorated out door!! How fun is it to be in a pageant with my daughter! It is a special memory for both of us.

On Friday all the contestants that had arrived were able to go to the local radio station for an interview. After that we all went out for coffee, then it was time to count seat belts! It is surprising the amount of people who DO NOT wear their seat belt. Even standing there with a buckle up sign people still did NOT buckle up! If only they knew the statistics of wearing your seat belt.

Later that evening there was a parade for the contestants. Thank you to Mildenberger Motors for the beautiful vehicles we were able to use!!!

To end the evening we had a special guest who gave a seat belt presentation. She had lost her son in an auto accident, he was not wearing his seat belt. It was a very touching story.

We then were treated to massages!!! Just what we needed to end a wonderful day!

Saturday was just as fun, we started off with our orientation and gift exchange. Then is was off to the farmers market. The Farmers Market in Hamilton MT. is one of the BEST Farmers Markets that I’ve been to. Mildenberger Motors then fixed lunch for us!!! We were given tickets to the Jay Owenhouse Magic Show, google him…. AMAZING!!! We then had the opportunity to have a photo shoot with Dostal Photography.

Oh and did I mention the Tim from the pageant cast was there too!!! Lexi and I both were interviewed by Tim, Who is also a long time pageant friend of mine!!! It was great to see him again!

Sunday was rehearsal and interview day. I love the interview part of the pageant. I felt so proud of all that I’ve done with my platform and to be able to share that with the judges was great! After the interview we had a break until show time!

Being back on stage was such a great feeling! After always being the runner-up to hear my named called as America’s SUPER Mrs. Was an amazing feeling! To have someone crown me was even better! I am so excited to have this opportunity to talk about seat belts and educate others about the importance of wearing your seat belt. 

If you would like more info about this pageant please visit or email me and I’d love to talk with you more about this system. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Buckle up- by Lexi

Lexi is my daughter, and really she is such an amazing young lady! She has a passion to run, play soccer, meet people, and is not afraid to sit next to the "nerd" at school. She told me a story how all the kids were being mean to a girl at school. At lunch time Lexi went over and sat with her. After that the kids no longer made fun of this other girl,

Lexi has such an impact of her classmates. She is a leader, and I know God has amazing plans for her.

She thought is would be fun to make a few video's on how to wear a seat belt, so I hope you enjoy!

Lexi shows how to wear a seat belt

Lexi is my daughter, and really she is such an amazing young lady! She has a passion to run, play soccer, meet people, and is not afraid to sit next to the "nerd" at school. She told me a story how all the kids were being mean to a girl at school. At lunch time Lexi went over and sat with her. After that the kids no longer made fun of this other girl,

Lexi has such an impact of her classmates. She is a leader, and I know God has amazing plans for her.

She thought is would be fun to make a few video's on how to wear a seat belt, so I hope you enjoy!

Tammy Ohman-Wothe husband's story

When Tammy's husband 19 was in a bad car accident (his friend was driving). The accident happened at a high speed. Both men didn't have their seat belts on & when the car went off the road on a small curve the car went airborne. Her husband went to the floor thinking it would be better, but it seemed like a long time before impact so he thought he should look up. That was when the impact happened & his face became a part of the dash. He suffered great facial injury & broken ribs. The driver did not get thrown from the car but suffered severe chest trauma. Today Tammy's husband has front teeth problems (they are all capped top & bottom & has a very visible large temple scar.

Tammy says her husband now makes sure everyone in the car is buckled before they start the car!

Sunday, June 16, 2013

Julie Archibald's daughter Kimberly and her story

On Monday morning, April 22nd, my 20-year-old daughter Kimberly was driving on the interstate to get to her classes at Idaho State University. She suddenly found herself in a snowstorm and hit black ice. At 70 mph her truck rolled twice. She was able to crawl out the window with the help of other motorists. When her dad got to the scene, the officer told him "we would be having this conversation somewhere else had she not had her seat belt on". She lost her shoes and her glasses but literally walked away with just a bump on the head.
At the same place Kimberly rolled her car is a cross. Less than one month earlier, a 22-year-old girl rolled her car, was ejected, and died. Kimberly's accident and this young lady's were both at mile marker 83.
Here is the story from the Idaho State Police blog:
Shortly before 8:00 PM, March 27th, 2013, Idaho State Police investigated a one-vehicle crash. Sarah Trebilcock, age 22 of Blackfoot was driving north on I15 at milepost 83, 3 miles north of the Fort Hall exit. Trebilcock drifted toward the median, overcorrected to the right, left the roadway, and rolled her vehicle multiple times. She was not wearing her seatbelt and was ejected. Trebilcock was transported by ground ambulance to Portneuf Medical Center in Pocatello where she succumbed to her injuries.  


Chris Arnold's Seat Belt Story

It happened in a little Northern California town called Meadow Vista. It was a beautiful bright sunny day at 10am and I was on a rural road bringing a Christmas present to my best friend before leaving town for the holidays. It was Dec. 16 1989. What I didn't know is that the sun hadn't hit a particular curve in the road and though I wasn't speeding (I had just barely shifted into third gear), my car began fish tailing as it hit the patch of ice. I was a habitual seat belt wearer and never put my car in gear until I was buckled. That was true this day as every day. As my car whipped out of control, I struggled with the steering wheel but the next thing I knew, I was heading sideways into a telephone pole aiming straight for my face. I ducked toward the passenger's seat and within seconds, the windshield was in my lap and pieces of glass were sprinkling all around me. 
When the rescue crews arrived, they told me that they had a helicopter on standby from UC Davis Medical Center because they didn't think I had survived! Though the seat belt is responsible for my broken collar bone, it most definitely saved my life  When I went back to look at the car later, there was a utility pole dent right where my head would have been if I hadn't "ducked," but without a seat belt holding me in place, I also would have likely been smeared all over the interior of the car! Even my youngest son, who is 16, won't put the car in gear until everyone is buckled in!

Friday, June 14, 2013

Krystal Atchley and her seat belt story

This last year Krystal and her sisters read about a horrible tragedy involving a young man named Brandon Duprie. After reading about the accident and seeing all his amazing family and friends he left behind they contacted his mother Kim and asked if they could somehow help by putting a car wash to raise awareness for the importance of wearing your seat belt. Since the car wash they have become close to his family and friends and have also realized how fragile life can be. 

Krystal and her sisters would like to continue to raise awareness every year to get the word out there that Seat belts actually do SAVE lives and hopefully get the point across to save other young adults. So this year in Honor of Brandon R. Duprie and his amazing family and friends who have impacted their lives in ways words could not describe, they came together and decided to do a spaghetti feed and also another car wash. All proceeds are going toward purchasing "Seat belts Save Lives" signs at Brandon's crash site and they will be teaming up with Work Sports and Outdoors, an outdoor apparel store, to start an annual fishing derby for less fortunate kids!!!!  Krystal says “It’s an amazing feeling helping out a family we didn’t even know and this whole thing has seriously taken off! SEATBELTS DO SAVE LIVES!!!!”