Saturday, June 29, 2013

America's SUPER Pageant

What a wonderful weekend. I arrived in Hamilton, Mt. on Thursday night. We went out to eat at a place called the Kodiak (YUM!), the people in Hamilton are the kindest people!

After we checked into the hotel, Lexi and I decorated out door!! How fun is it to be in a pageant with my daughter! It is a special memory for both of us.

On Friday all the contestants that had arrived were able to go to the local radio station for an interview. After that we all went out for coffee, then it was time to count seat belts! It is surprising the amount of people who DO NOT wear their seat belt. Even standing there with a buckle up sign people still did NOT buckle up! If only they knew the statistics of wearing your seat belt.

Later that evening there was a parade for the contestants. Thank you to Mildenberger Motors for the beautiful vehicles we were able to use!!!

To end the evening we had a special guest who gave a seat belt presentation. She had lost her son in an auto accident, he was not wearing his seat belt. It was a very touching story.

We then were treated to massages!!! Just what we needed to end a wonderful day!

Saturday was just as fun, we started off with our orientation and gift exchange. Then is was off to the farmers market. The Farmers Market in Hamilton MT. is one of the BEST Farmers Markets that I’ve been to. Mildenberger Motors then fixed lunch for us!!! We were given tickets to the Jay Owenhouse Magic Show, google him…. AMAZING!!! We then had the opportunity to have a photo shoot with Dostal Photography.

Oh and did I mention the Tim from the pageant cast was there too!!! Lexi and I both were interviewed by Tim, Who is also a long time pageant friend of mine!!! It was great to see him again!

Sunday was rehearsal and interview day. I love the interview part of the pageant. I felt so proud of all that I’ve done with my platform and to be able to share that with the judges was great! After the interview we had a break until show time!

Being back on stage was such a great feeling! After always being the runner-up to hear my named called as America’s SUPER Mrs. Was an amazing feeling! To have someone crown me was even better! I am so excited to have this opportunity to talk about seat belts and educate others about the importance of wearing your seat belt. 

If you would like more info about this pageant please visit or email me and I’d love to talk with you more about this system.