Friday, June 14, 2013

Krystal Atchley and her seat belt story

This last year Krystal and her sisters read about a horrible tragedy involving a young man named Brandon Duprie. After reading about the accident and seeing all his amazing family and friends he left behind they contacted his mother Kim and asked if they could somehow help by putting a car wash to raise awareness for the importance of wearing your seat belt. Since the car wash they have become close to his family and friends and have also realized how fragile life can be. 

Krystal and her sisters would like to continue to raise awareness every year to get the word out there that Seat belts actually do SAVE lives and hopefully get the point across to save other young adults. So this year in Honor of Brandon R. Duprie and his amazing family and friends who have impacted their lives in ways words could not describe, they came together and decided to do a spaghetti feed and also another car wash. All proceeds are going toward purchasing "Seat belts Save Lives" signs at Brandon's crash site and they will be teaming up with Work Sports and Outdoors, an outdoor apparel store, to start an annual fishing derby for less fortunate kids!!!!  Krystal says “It’s an amazing feeling helping out a family we didn’t even know and this whole thing has seriously taken off! SEATBELTS DO SAVE LIVES!!!!”