Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Parents Christmas Lights

Okay dad, it is time to get new lights. The 30 year old lights are ready for the trash! There are 17 missing lights from this section alone! 87 in total! NEW LIGHTS.... NEW LIGHTS!!!!

Happy Thanksgiving

This was one of the BEST Thanksgivings EVER!!! I am so thankful for my family! I love them all so much!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

My sis-in-law

I LOVE my sister-in-law!!! She is such an interesting person to talk with..... There is never a quiet moment when she is around..... If you thought I talked a lot, you have not met my sister-in-law! When you get the two of us together it is LOUD!!!!

Lexi's Birthday

My baby is now 11..... I guess she is no longer a baby! She has a LOVE for soccer, so this year her birthday party was..... yep a soccer theme!


I LOVE this time of year!!! The fall.... The crisp chill in the air when you are sitting at a football game.. Or having to put long underwear on the kids so they don't freeze when they go trick-or-treating!!!

Here are a few pictures from our Halloween this year.... The kids carved their own pumpkins and then I had my own idea!!! I stuck a bunch of dumb-dumb suckers in my pumpkin!!!
Lexi's pumpkin

sucker pumpkin

Kaiden's Pumpkin

Monday, October 15, 2012

My Birthday!

What a great birthday weekend!!! I was able to spend it with the people I love most….. My family!
First I have to say thank you to my dad for the amazing rare salt and pepper shakers…. It’s just what I always wanted…. How did you ever know????
Second, the BSU football game was cold, but fun! I know this is a transition year for the broncos, but I will say at times it is difficult to watch them play! But I am not a band wagon fan.
Last, to my baby girl….. You are so amazing! You are a rock star! For my birthday she told me she would do a “hat trick” for me. Well for those who do not know a hat trick is 3 goals! AND YES SHE DID!
Kaiden, I can not forget about you…. I LOVE my green earrings… You are such a wonderful young man! You both make me so proud! Thank you for a great birthday!


Sunday, September 23, 2012

Do you have an Eating Disorder?

~ Constantly think about your food, weight, or body image?
~ Have trouble concentrating because of those thoughts?
~ Worry about what your last meal is doing to your body?
~ Experience guilt or shame  around eating?
~ Count Calories or fat grams whenever you eat or drink?
~ Feel "out of control" when it comes to food?
~ Binge eat twice a week or more?
~ Still feel fat when others tell you that you are thin?
~ Obsess that your stomach, hips, thighs or buttocks are too big?
~ Weigh yourself several times daily?
~ Exercise to lose weight even if you are ill or injured?
~ Label food as "good" and "bad"?
~ Vomit after eating?
~ Use laxatives or diuretics to keep your weight down?
~ Severely limit your food intake?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, your attitude and behaviors around food and weight may need to be seriously addressed.  An eating disorder professional can give you a thorough assessment, honest feedback, and advice about what you may want to do next. 

An eating disorder is NOT just about food.... they're about fear and control.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Are you ready for some football????


Yep our 1st home game of the 2012/2013 season…. Gotta love this time of the year! GO ORANGE GO BIG BLUE….. FIGHT FIGHT BSU!

1st day of School

The first day of 7th and 5th grade for my kids…. Yep I am feeling happy that summer is over! Back to our routine! Look how grown up my babies look!

Kaelee's wedding

Another one of my little cousins got married this summer…. Here is the BEST part…. Her last name is Darling!!!! I LOVE IT! Kaelee Darling!!! This is a picture of Steph, me, Kaelee and Bitt at Kaelee’s wedding!

Camping Trip

Where has the summer gone? I must say, we did have an enjoyable vacation this year. We went on a camping expedition through the red woods and up the Oregon coast! It has been quite a long time since I had slept in a tent. I forgot how much power, running water and even a lumpy bed are appreciated.

Thursday, May 31, 2012

Life Happens

What a crazy month it has been. End of soccer season, graduations, kids getting out for summer break….. Now starts the summer camps…. Basketball, and soccer. I am starting to feel like I MUST entertain my kids 24/7 or WWIII will break out between them! I remember when I was in Jr. High on summer break I would ride my bike to my friends houses and we would swim, go on bike rides or just ALWAYS hanging out with friends. Now it seems like kids HAVE to be entertained. I wonder how my kids would have survived back when I was their age.

I am so proud of my little cousin Steph who just graduated from college!!!! And my nephew Braxton from High School…. Awesome job guys!

Now to a real note..... I was at Petco the other day and came across this...... It is a way to potty train your cat to use the toilet.... REALLY?!?!?!?!?

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Who to be today?

Trying new things. Sitting at my daughters soccer game enjoying the warm sun! I love the fact that it is starting to Warm up! Today at work was...... Well entertaining I guess you can say! I met Whitney Houston, Tina Turner and Nicki Minaj..... They were all the same guy! He was a very nice man, however he really thought he was all 3 ladies. After a day at work It makes all my issues seem so small. I love being able to help people, I just wish sometimes my problems were easier To fix and quicker. I have never been one to quite, but as I sit here thinking what I'm going to make for dinner really is like a dirty little demon in my head. Here comes ED. If I don't eat who will know? Or if I have Taco Bell I can get rid of it and no one would ever know! Why does such a simple thing like eating have to be so hard? Maybe I should dress up as someone else..... Life might just be easier that way!

Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Learn to Live

I am saying out loud. I am learning how to live. More than half my life I have had Eating Disorders AKA ED.  My blog may take a new turn here. I am done letting food live my life! I want to be in charge not ED.

I have never liked the name ED. In fact I do not anyone named ED that I like. I don’t know if it is because I associate the name to the disorder, or if I really just don’t like the name….. I guess that is another discussion.

I have tried for MANY years to be “healthy” or what I think is healthy. Monday I met a lady who is going to help me change my life. I am not ready to share her name; I may give her a few different names depending on how I feel. Today I am going to call her my daisy. I like daisy flowers. They are not my favorite, but they are relaxing to look at and are pretty. 

Daisy has given me goals that I need to accomplish. And this is one of my first steps. Have you ever heard of the book Life Without Ed? Well if you know someone who has “funky eating” skillz….. Or you are a funky eater, this book is great! Here is the web site you really need to read an excerpt from this book click on the photo to read just a bit,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg
 I hope you will check back to see how my progress. I know it is going to have MANY up’s and downs and there will be days I want to toss in the towel. But my goal is to share my story so I can Learn to Live!

Monday, April 30, 2012

2nd Place

This weekend was Soccer weekend!!! Lexi did an awesome job!!!! They played Sunday for the championship and after double OT they ended up in 2nd place! Way to go Puma's!

My Mimi

My puppy got a new hair cut.... She is super sweet!!! I just love her

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Had to eat it!

One week at work can make one weak! I have to say…. It has been a tough week at work, and I did have a weak moment! I just wanted to share with you what I ate in my moment of weakness….. Do you know how many miles I will have to run now?!?

Sunday, April 15, 2012


I LOVE getting tattoo's. To me it is a way to express what I am feeling and my out look on life. Some of you may not know this, but I have six tattoo's. I got my first tattoo when I was 18. I just got my sixth tattoo two weeks ago.

My first tattoo was a small butterfly on my stomach, 2 kids later I had it covered up with a bigger butterfly with an eyeball in it. I loves eyes so just another way for me so show what I am about. I am also Irish. So I have a four leaf clover with a ladybug, again I am a fan of ladybugs. But htis last tattoo is my favorite so far. It is on my spinal cord and reads: "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine" It is found in the Bible Song of Solomon 6:3.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Run

If you KNOW me, then you know how much I like to run! I DON’T! I have never been able to understand the greatness of running! I am not running from anyone or to anyone! What is the point?

WELL….. The other night as I was laying in bed with my kids, my daughter tells me that I have cupcake calves. And my son had to add the my thighs are meaty. HMMMM…. This made me think, I must be the size of Wal-Mart since they think my body parts look like food.

I have tried to eat healthy and I like to think my kids keep me active, however I have come to the realization that the older I get the less metabolism I have. SO, I have started to run. YES, I am for real……

I thought I would blog about it, that way there is a little bit of accountability on my behalf. I am starting off by running 2 miles. It only took me 25 min. to run/walk my first 2 miles….. LOL…. This is a work in process, stay tuned to see if it gets any better!

My song list when I run:

Eye of the Tiger ~ I start with this so that I can feel like a champ

I like it by Foxy Shazam ~ This song gives me encouragement to keep going

Roman Holiday by Nicki Minaj ~

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Things that make you go hmmmmm

I received a new key board today at work. I was so excited because it is one that is a wave and split, it looks kinda cool so I wanted to try it. Well when I opened it up there was a warning sticker on it. I have NEVER seen a warning sticker on a key board, so I thought I would read it for kicks and giggles....

First sentence says "Use of a keyboard or mouse could be linked to serious injuries or disorders". Hmm all along I thought my issues were all about me, and now I find out it is because of the use of a keyboard or mouse!

So if any of you suffer from injury or disorders, STOP blaming your family!!! It is the keyboard and mouse fault!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Where I work

If you know me then you know where I work and what I enjoy about my job! Sometimes I think that where I work is WAY better than anything you would EVER see in the "People of Walmart" pictures.

The last week and the first week of each month can be a very stressful and a lot of pressure at my work. Sometime we need something to make us laugh.

On April 2nd, one of our clients had a tough time parking in our parking lot........ This picture is for real and the client really did jump the curb and got their car stuck in our parking lot!

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Farewell Carmela

One thing about me is that I LOVE to have fun! Recently it was one of my co-workers and friend last day at work. We decided that she needed to have a going away gift that would be hard to forget. Jamie and I decided to Saran Wrap her car! We will miss you Carmela! Hope you can find good use for all the wrap!!!

St. Patrick's Day

Being Irish, St. Patrick's Day is something that I celebrate!!! This year we went to the Ram restaurant and we got a show from the Meridian Fire Department. It was a great show!!!

Every year the Pipes and Drums perform in Colorado Springs CO. This was a treat to see it live.

Sorrento Cheese Factory

The kids and I took a tour of Sorrento Cheese factory. It was so amazing and SO much fun!! Thank to Sorrento Cheese for letting us see how you make the cheese! Please visit their web site at

We did have to suit up!

My new look

I have not had bangs since I was 12..... I decided to give it another try.... I am not sure I will keep them, but for now they have been fun, and I like the new look!

All on his own

My son Kaiden taught himself how to tie a ty. He did this all on his own. It only took him about 2 min to learn how to do this. I STILL do not know how to tie a ty!

My new puppy Mimi and Lexi

We got a new puppy for Christmas. Her name is Mimi, and she is very spoiled, and protective of me. For some reason when it is bed time she doesn't want anyone to touch me or her.

Lexi is a very loving little girl and she likes to give kisses good-night. This is Lexi kissing Mimi good night.

Lexi Wins the jump rope competition

My daughter is so amazing! She came home from school one day and said "mom, I am going to be in a jump rope competition". I said great, You are a fast jump roper!!! She said "yea, I am going to represent the 4th grade girls at me school." Wow Lex, that is awesome!!! So about a week later and MANY hours of practicing jumping rope it was competition night. She was the girls 4th grade representative for her school. This is her:

This is her WINNING first place for ALL the 4th grade girls!!!

Whats for dinner?

As a fulltime working mother, I find that at times it is difficult to want to come home and cook a healthy meal. When I get home at 6pm all I want to do is take a hot bath and relax. But…… Being a mother means I have responsibilities.

When I walk into the house, one of the first things I hear is “Mom what’s for dinner?” I am always looking for healthy ideas for dinner. Here is one I just found and my kids LOVE it…. It is healthy, and for me having issues with eating….. It is a great way to fill me up and make me feel like I am not a pig.

Tomato Green Chili Tortilla Casserole

1 pound ground turkey meat

2 tsp. onion flakes

1 can of cream of mushroom soup

1 can of cream of chicken soup

10 oz can of stewed tomatoes with green chili

6 corn tortillas

½ cup of shredded cheddar cheese

Preheat oven to 375. Brown the meat and onion flakes together. Drain off the fat. Stir in both soups and can of tomatoes. Cut or tear tortillas into bite size pieces. Spray casserole dish. Layer tortilla pieces with meat mixture. Sprinkle cheese on the top and bake for 30 min.

I like to add a mixed green salad to go with this.

I hope you will try this for dinner some night and see how yummy it is!