Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Learn to Live

I am saying out loud. I am learning how to live. More than half my life I have had Eating Disorders AKA ED.  My blog may take a new turn here. I am done letting food live my life! I want to be in charge not ED.

I have never liked the name ED. In fact I do not anyone named ED that I like. I don’t know if it is because I associate the name to the disorder, or if I really just don’t like the name….. I guess that is another discussion.

I have tried for MANY years to be “healthy” or what I think is healthy. Monday I met a lady who is going to help me change my life. I am not ready to share her name; I may give her a few different names depending on how I feel. Today I am going to call her my daisy. I like daisy flowers. They are not my favorite, but they are relaxing to look at and are pretty. 

Daisy has given me goals that I need to accomplish. And this is one of my first steps. Have you ever heard of the book Life Without Ed? Well if you know someone who has “funky eating” skillz….. Or you are a funky eater, this book is great! Here is the web site http://www.jennischaefer.com you really need to read an excerpt from this book click on the photo to read just a bit http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/41yG%2BweKUSL._BO2,204,203,200_PIsitb-sticker-arrow-click,TopRight,35,-76_AA300_SH20_OU01_.jpg
 I hope you will check back to see how my progress. I know it is going to have MANY up’s and downs and there will be days I want to toss in the towel. But my goal is to share my story so I can Learn to Live!