Monday, April 21, 2014

Kaiden's AAU Game # 3&4

My son Kaiden is playing AAU this year. The team he is on will all be going to the same high school and will be playing together at Skyview. They have played four games so far and have demolished all the other teams. This team is going to be a force to be reckon with in high school...

I watch this team play and think, "they could beat some JV teams." Yes, they are that good!

I only have one complaint. I grew-up in CA. So it was a very well-rounded group of all races. Well, where we live there are really only two races. Ninety-two percent of our population is white and six percent is Hispanic.  I really want my son to have more experience playing against other races than just white boys.... I am not saying that in a bad way, I am saying that look at the NBA, there are many colors, cultures and other countries that play in the NBA, so I want to broaden his horizon on what it is like to play with other people.  Even the way kids play on the West Coast vs east coast is SO different. SOOOOO, I say all this to come to this point. I want my son to go to basketball camp this year in North Carolina. PLUS, I love the Tar Heels, and I always wanted to go to basketball camp there when I was in school.

I might start a "Go Fund Me" page so people can donate to help us send our son back east for basketball camp this summer.

Any ways.... Here are a few pictures from the game on Saturday.