Monday, November 9, 2009

Party Weekend

What a great weekend we had! We had Lexi’s 8th birthday and then on Sunday we celebrated both Marty and Lexi’s birthdays with Marty’s family. Great weekend full of family and fun.

Friday night we had our nephews and niece over to stay the night. We also had one of our very good friends and his 3 boys over also to watch the BSU football game. We ordered 4 large pizzas and 4 orders of bread sticks and it was all gone by the end of the night. After the BSU football game we went out and played basketball in the dark, well kind of in the dark, it was dark outside but our basketball court is lighted. It was kind of like playing flashlight tag…

Saturday we took 8 little girls to Build a Bear and to the Cheesecake Factor for an ALL GIRL birthday party. Each little girl got to build a bear and have a giant slice of chocolate cake from the Cheesecake Factory.

After we came home from the birthday party I made a yummy spaghetti dinner for Marty’s family. We ate more cake and opened more presents. It almost felt like Christmas!

Friday, November 6, 2009

November 6th

So today I set a goal for myself. I have found that because I have been super busy with elections and pageants that my house has been on back burner. I did not realize what a “pack rat” I am! I do not toss anything out!

So my goal is to DEEP clean 1-2 rooms a day until all the rooms in my house are back to being organized. Perfect timing right with the holidays just around the corner!

Tomorrow is my daughter’s 8th birthday party! Yes myself and 8 little girls will be going to Build-a-Bear and the Cheesecake factor. I will make sure to get all the little girls on a sugar high and then send them home…. So glad it is not a slumber party!

Today I went to the fabric store (something I do not do to often) because I wanted to try to sew something. I bought all the fabric needed to make my project came home only to find out that my sewing machine was BROKE! I had my hopes up to make something new and really show my domestic abilities however it just did not happen today. I am sure I will not have that bug again for awhile.

Wednesday, November 4, 2009


What a great day yesterday was. It was Marty and Lexi’s birthday! I can not believe my baby is 8 years old, am I really getting that old? It was also Election Day. I was campaign chairwoman for Nampa Mayor Tom Dale. Proud to say another victory! Also my mom City Council Woman Pam White was running for re-election and she won! Great day all around. Both of them won with over 70% of the votes, if it’s not broke why fix it right!?

So for Marty’s birthday we went to Red Robin for lunch (it is a tradition.) Then for dinner we went to this awesome new restaurant called Darby’s. What was funny is that I asked Lexi what she would like for me to make for her birthday dinner and she said “well did you ask dad?” I said no, she said “well I want to go to Darby’s.” Well then ok to Darby’s it is!

After dinner we went to the campaign party until about 10pm. Because Canyon County is SO SLOW calculating the votes we did not get the official results until 2am! Mind you only 8,000 voters voted! Are you kidding me!?!?! I could have hand counted them faster than that!!! Anyway, I was pleased with the out come!

It was indeed a great day all around!