Sunday, April 7, 2013

Buckle up for Bobby

This is Bobby. And this is his story. Please visit to get the full story. This was taken from his sisters blog with permission from his mom.

It was a typical Saturday night for Bobby, he was hanging out with friends and having a good time. He was with some of his good buddies along with some new faces... without a doubt he was making new friends and having a great night. One thing lead to the next and Bobby was in the back seat of a car with three others going on a quick drive to check things out. It was around 2 a.m. and very dark in the foothills. If you've ever been to Table Rock at night you can imagine the area-- the terrain, the darkness and also the view that attracts so many. They went for a very short drive, not knowing what laid ahead. One missed turn was at it took. A simple curve in the road unseen was the cause of their accident. Of the four kids in the car, only one was wearing a seat belt. Going off the edge of the road caused the vehicle to roll many times ejecting Bobby and two others.
Bobby and Tiffany were taken to Heaven that night. No one saw this coming or could have prevented it. This was an accident and no one can be put to blame. This was God's plan for both of them, they were taken from this world for a reason, though we have no explanation as to why.