Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Are you wearing yours?

After talking with our local fire department they are helping promote seat belt safety on their reader board!

Monday, April 29, 2013

Interview with ME!!!

I have been super lucky to be able to be interviewed about pageants and how the media plays a role in our society on how a woman "should" look. Is there really a "typical" woman? I do not believe there is. I know you have heard it said time and time before, but beauty comes from within. The best way I can really explain this is to suggest you watch the movie Shallow Hal. This movie says it all.

I hope that as you read my blog you can also see my sense of humor,   I do like to be able to have fun and see people smile! :-D

Lexi and her soccer

This past weekend my daughter had a soccer tournament and her team did amazing! They ended up placing 2nd. They lost 3-4 in the championship game. Lexi was selected by her team mates to be team captain for the game as she showed leadership and mad soccer skills on the field!!!  

Monday, April 8, 2013

This is just an awesome picture!

Cody Varney's story

This is Cody, last March he was in a car accident where he broke 20 bones and had 2nd and 3rd degree burns on his back. The vehicle he was riding in rolled three times.  He NEVER wore a seat belt before that day. As he was leaving the store he saw a cop and put his seat belt on, it saved his life. He now travels around to schools and shares his message and how important it is to wear a seat belt.
Click HERE to see his story.

Thank you Cory for sharing your story, and promoting seat belt safety! You are a survivor!

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Buckle up for Bobby

This is Bobby. And this is his story. Please visit www.buckleupforbobby.com to get the full story. This was taken from his sisters blog with permission from his mom.

It was a typical Saturday night for Bobby, he was hanging out with friends and having a good time. He was with some of his good buddies along with some new faces... without a doubt he was making new friends and having a great night. One thing lead to the next and Bobby was in the back seat of a car with three others going on a quick drive to check things out. It was around 2 a.m. and very dark in the foothills. If you've ever been to Table Rock at night you can imagine the area-- the terrain, the darkness and also the view that attracts so many. They went for a very short drive, not knowing what laid ahead. One missed turn was at it took. A simple curve in the road unseen was the cause of their accident. Of the four kids in the car, only one was wearing a seat belt. Going off the edge of the road caused the vehicle to roll many times ejecting Bobby and two others.
Bobby and Tiffany were taken to Heaven that night. No one saw this coming or could have prevented it. This was an accident and no one can be put to blame. This was God's plan for both of them, they were taken from this world for a reason, though we have no explanation as to why.

My son and his dog

We took my sons dog to get shaved. Yes he is a St. Bernard! And yes he is sitting on my sons lap in the back seat of my car!

Monday, April 1, 2013

Stephanie McGrane- Her Story

In 1994, I was in a life-threatening car accident. At that time I was only buckling up about half of the time! I was so blessed that I had my seat belt on that night and it saved my life! I have been buckling up faithfully ever since!