Saturday, March 30, 2013

Buckle it up!

In 1996 I was in an awful car accident. The vehicle I was driving was totaled. They said that if I had not been wearing my seat belt I would have been killed. 

Now, every time I get into a car I make sure to buckle up.

Spring Break

For Spring break we went to the OR. Coast. It was beautiful and so much fun. We stopped at CAMP18 to eat! Such a fun place to stop. The coast was cold, but fun. We were able to fly kites, dig in the sand, look for sand dollars, and so much more. We love to visit Seaside.

How to wear a seat belt

One of the most effective measures to prevent injury and death in a crash is to be appropriately restrained. The National Highway Safety Administration estimates that lap/shoulder seat belts, when used correctly, reduce the risk of fatal injury to front seat passengers by 45 percent and the risk of moderate-to-critical injury by 50 percent.

Teens are less likely to buckle up than other age groups. When coupled with an increased likelihood for teens to be involved in a crash, this can lead to tragic consequences.
Belted occupants are less likely to be ejected from a vehicle in the event of a crash. Risk of serious injury or death rises dramatically for occupants ejected from a vehicle.
Tips for a properly fitted seat belt:
  • The shoulder belt should cross the middle of your chest and away from your neck.
  • The lap belt should fit across your hips, just below your stomach.
  • Never place the shoulder belt behind your back or under your arm. 

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Educate children and Adults

Traffic crashes are the leading cause of death for children in Washington. In spite of child passenger restraint laws, more than half of the children killed in crashes were completely unrestrained.

Wearing a seat belt decreases the chance of dying or being seriously injured in a collision by about 70 percent.

Click It or Ticket campaign helped raise Washington’s daytime seat belt use to 96 percent — well above the national average. Now we’re focusing on increasing seat belt use at night and among high-risk drivers.

Sash and Crown!

It arrived today!!!! My Mrs. WA sash and crown!!! I will be competing in America's SUPER Pageant in June. I am so excited to represent the state of WA. 

Monday, March 18, 2013

WA Seatbelt FACTS

More than 97.5% of people in Washington are buckling up. In the past 10 years 1,010 lives have been saved due to the increase in seat belt use and with the "Click it or Ticket" campaign.

 Washington has one of the highest seat belt rates in the nation. Studies have showed that seat belts decrease the chance of dying in a crash by 60% and reduce the risk of head injury by 80%.

Between May 21st and June 3rd motorist can expect to see law enforcement on patrol in search of people not wearing their seat belts. Just remember when in Washington "Click it or Ticket".

Seat Belt TV Ad Showing a Real-life Crash Scene from trafficsafety on Vimeo.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Happy St. Patrick's Day

St. Patrick was a real man.... 

Little is known of Patrick's early life, though it is known that he was born in Roman Britain in the fourth century. He was held as a slave in Ireland before he escaped. He later returned to Ireland to preach Christianity. 

The color BLUE was first associated with Saint Patrick, however over 
the years the color GREEN became more and more associated with 
Saint Patrick's day when people started to wear green ribbons 
and shamrocks. 

Saint Patrick would use a three leaf shamrock to explain the 
holy trinity within the Christian church.  

In the 1990 Ireland started to use Saint Patrick's day to  showcase 
Ireland and it's culture.

I am Irish, so for me this is one day that I like to learn more about my 
heritage and where I came from.



 It is critical that when you are driving, either short distances or on long trips, you should always wear your safety belt. It is also critical that if you have a passenger, he/she should buckle up as well. In case of a sudden stop or crash, a safety belt will keep you secured to the seat, helping prevent injury or death that may occur from you being thrown from your seat into the steering wheel, dash, or windshield.

A seat belt can prevent being thrown from a vehicle during a crash.
Many people mistakenly believe it's better to be thrown clear of the wreckage in the event of a crash, but this could not be further from the truth. The fact is an occupant is four times as likely to be fatally injured when thrown from the vehicle.

Did You Know? When you are not wearing a safety belt, your chances of being killed are almost 25 times higher if you are thrown from a vehicle in a crash. Safety belts can keep you from being thrown through the windshield, from being dragged and scraped along the ground, or from being crushed by your own truck or another vehicle. 

Even the BEST drivers need to wear their seat belts!
While good drivers do not usually cause accidents, it is possible that during your driving career you will be involved in a crash caused by a bad driver, bad weather, mechanical failure, or tire blowout. Wearing a safety belt prevents injuries and fatalities by preventing ejection and by protecting your head and spinal cord.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

This is me on Pageant Live!

Can't wait to be a guest again! So much fun and the ladies with Pageant Live are amazing!

You have to LISTEN to this song

This is so true for ALL women today. What are we going to do to change this for future generations?

Monday, March 4, 2013


Mexico in February=AMAZING!

While it was in the 30's at home I was in Mexico where it was in the 80's. Laying by the pool or on the beach! Best vacation in a LONG time and a much needed vacation!

In the first photo, we were out at the beach 1st thing and we saw these ladies sweeping the beach, of course I had to take a picture!

2nd picture~ Consolidated Supply provided dinner on the beach for us! What a wonderful company!

3rd picture~  This is a picture of the pool where we spent most of our time!

4th picture ~The Mariachi band that played for us before dinner. Great Mexican tradition. 

5th picture ~ The view from our hotel room! Hello gorgeous!