Monday, April 30, 2012

2nd Place

This weekend was Soccer weekend!!! Lexi did an awesome job!!!! They played Sunday for the championship and after double OT they ended up in 2nd place! Way to go Puma's!

My Mimi

My puppy got a new hair cut.... She is super sweet!!! I just love her

Thursday, April 26, 2012

Had to eat it!

One week at work can make one weak! I have to say…. It has been a tough week at work, and I did have a weak moment! I just wanted to share with you what I ate in my moment of weakness….. Do you know how many miles I will have to run now?!?

Sunday, April 15, 2012


I LOVE getting tattoo's. To me it is a way to express what I am feeling and my out look on life. Some of you may not know this, but I have six tattoo's. I got my first tattoo when I was 18. I just got my sixth tattoo two weeks ago.

My first tattoo was a small butterfly on my stomach, 2 kids later I had it covered up with a bigger butterfly with an eyeball in it. I loves eyes so just another way for me so show what I am about. I am also Irish. So I have a four leaf clover with a ladybug, again I am a fan of ladybugs. But htis last tattoo is my favorite so far. It is on my spinal cord and reads: "I am my beloved's and my beloved is mine" It is found in the Bible Song of Solomon 6:3.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

The Run

If you KNOW me, then you know how much I like to run! I DON’T! I have never been able to understand the greatness of running! I am not running from anyone or to anyone! What is the point?

WELL….. The other night as I was laying in bed with my kids, my daughter tells me that I have cupcake calves. And my son had to add the my thighs are meaty. HMMMM…. This made me think, I must be the size of Wal-Mart since they think my body parts look like food.

I have tried to eat healthy and I like to think my kids keep me active, however I have come to the realization that the older I get the less metabolism I have. SO, I have started to run. YES, I am for real……

I thought I would blog about it, that way there is a little bit of accountability on my behalf. I am starting off by running 2 miles. It only took me 25 min. to run/walk my first 2 miles….. LOL…. This is a work in process, stay tuned to see if it gets any better!

My song list when I run:

Eye of the Tiger ~ I start with this so that I can feel like a champ

I like it by Foxy Shazam ~ This song gives me encouragement to keep going

Roman Holiday by Nicki Minaj ~

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Things that make you go hmmmmm

I received a new key board today at work. I was so excited because it is one that is a wave and split, it looks kinda cool so I wanted to try it. Well when I opened it up there was a warning sticker on it. I have NEVER seen a warning sticker on a key board, so I thought I would read it for kicks and giggles....

First sentence says "Use of a keyboard or mouse could be linked to serious injuries or disorders". Hmm all along I thought my issues were all about me, and now I find out it is because of the use of a keyboard or mouse!

So if any of you suffer from injury or disorders, STOP blaming your family!!! It is the keyboard and mouse fault!

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Where I work

If you know me then you know where I work and what I enjoy about my job! Sometimes I think that where I work is WAY better than anything you would EVER see in the "People of Walmart" pictures.

The last week and the first week of each month can be a very stressful and a lot of pressure at my work. Sometime we need something to make us laugh.

On April 2nd, one of our clients had a tough time parking in our parking lot........ This picture is for real and the client really did jump the curb and got their car stuck in our parking lot!