Saturday, June 5, 2010

First summer trip to Donnelly

We took our first trip up to Donnelly this weekend. We all got a bit of a sun burn.... But it was all worth it!

Top picture is a view from our beach
2nd picture is our beach
3rd picture is our puppy Rainy
4th picture is Hugo (he is a mean boy.... Would not want to cross him!)
5th picture is my dad.... raking our beach LOL!
6th picture is my mom "Hi Mom"
7th picture is Lexi.... She is so sassy!
last picture is Kaiden climbing the fence to get in with the dogs.....

Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Last day of school

Here it is the last day of school….. What a fun and exciting time right?! Well I hope so! I remember growing up how excited I was to get out of school. Summer break was my time to go swimming, go to the lake, ride my bike to my friend’s houses, stay up late, and sleep-in until noon.

The weather was always warm and we could sleep outside if we wanted. Oh yes the joys of being a kid. Well here we are MANY years later and my kids are on summer break! The difference is….. It is raining, the high temp is 70 and we live in no mans land so riding a bike to a friends house would take all day!

I know it is going to warm up, and we will have MANY friends over this summer (one of the good things about having a pool) but when? It just doesn’t feel like summer…. I want the whole summer experience back! Trust me, I do plan to lay out by the pool, stay up late and sleep in until noon (well maybe not sleep-in, there are too many things that need to be done!).

I am now hoping and praying for 90 degree weather very soon. I am ready for a tan!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Memorial Day Weekend.

We traveled to Spokane for Memorial Day this year. It is always nice to visit with family. My Grandma is 88 years old so I treasure the time my kids and I get to spend with her.

My cousin, his wife and their two wonderful, beautiful kids came over to visit with us as well.... Just like the good ol' days with my cousin....

The pictures are of Lexi with Becca and Robby (my cousins kids.... They are to sweet!)

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

My walk

As the weather warms up I have decided to start walking to get more exercise. We live on 8 acres, so I calculated how many times up and down my driveway equals 1 mile. Eight times, so as I walk up and down and up and down my drive way I notice all the killdeer birds. Then I notice that they are screaming at me…. I must have about 4 nests up and down my driveway because all these birds want to attack me, now I am thinking am I really safe on my driveway? What if these birds fly over me and poop on me. What if they decide to gang up and start to fly in my hair…. Now I am not so sure if I want to keep walking, this my be a dangerous exercise for me.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Our Church Float

I am an event planner for our church and one of our last events was Parade America. This was the first year our church had a float in this parade. I am so proud to say that our float won 2nd place! Way to go CFC! However next year we will take the 1st place trophy home!

Saturday, May 8, 2010

Robin gets married

Robin and I have been friends for 14 years! I have been there for the birth of her three children. In fact our oldest boys are only a few weeks apart. This was a wonderful day for Robin and it makes me happy to see her so happy!

Wednesday, March 17, 2010


We took a family vacation to Cancun this year. How nice was it to lay out on the beach listening to the waves from the ocean. We would go back between the beach and the pool. Lucky for us it was only a few feet!

It was somewhat an adventure getting here, but then that wouldn’t be a vacation without the adventure right?!

After getting checked into our room we realized that our air conditioner was alive! So after it kept us up all night we decided for our sanity we would need to change rooms. Lucky for us all they had was a suite….. Oh shoot to sad, I guess we will have to spend the rest of our time in a suite!

On our last day there (trust me we were ready to come home!) we got stuck in the elevator… First, I am not a fan of small enclosed spaces. Second, I do not like to be stuck in places where there is no fresh air. And third, I am now 100% scared to death to ride in an elevator because of this wonderful experience.

Over all it was a great vacation, I would go back but next time without kids!

My Grandma

My Grandma was an amazing woman. Her home coming celebration was one not to be forgotten. I love you Grandma, thank you for all the wise advice you always gave me! You will always be our "Pretty Woman"