Friday, April 10, 2015

It's not all about you!

Anyone who competes in pageants can tell you that you need to be sure to have your pretty face on whenever you go out. You never know when or what picture you might end up in. I love this part of pageants. Getting dressed up, having my hair and makeup done, feeling all glamorous! Don’t get me wrong, there is WAY more to pageants than getting dressed up. Pageant ladies are some of the hardest working women I know.

Not only do they have family, work, and or school; but most pageant ladies seem to manage to volunteer ten plus hours a week. For me volunteering is something that comes natural. I have my parents to thank for that. I’m sure my kids will thank me one day too.  Some may wonder “why do you volunteer?” For me, I enjoy being out in my community and state. I like to meet new people and make new connections. It is a privilege to be able to serve, and if I did not like volunteering I would not do it; you don’t get paid to volunteer, so it’s not that you have to be there.

I have had many doors open for me through volunteering. It is inspiring to most people to see someone who is willing to work and not be paid, especially if you are a hard worker and dependable. Not all opportunities are exciting and flashy, but do you volunteer to be seen or do you volunteer to fill a need? Before you tell someone “I’d love to help, sign me up” make sure you know what is expected from you.  Be sure you are able and willing to give it your all. Don’t be afraid to turn down an opportunity if you feel that you are not going to be the best you. I would rather turn someone down than show up and do a poor job. Remember, you are there to help someone else, volunteering is not all about you!

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

Primary Children's Hospital

I will say, Children's Primary Hospital in Salt Lake is one of the BEST hospitals I have every been to. They do everything they can to make sure the child in the hospital is comfortable. They try to make it more like a hotel stay than a hospital stay. The nurses were so nice and helpful, they made sure we were informed with everything that was going on. The surgical team and Doctors came in every day to check on Kaiden. These are people who care for kids, otherwise I am guessing they would not be working at a children's hospital.

I just wanted to share our experience with others. I would recommend Children's Primary Hospital in Salt Lake to anyone!!