Sunday, September 23, 2012

Do you have an Eating Disorder?

~ Constantly think about your food, weight, or body image?
~ Have trouble concentrating because of those thoughts?
~ Worry about what your last meal is doing to your body?
~ Experience guilt or shame  around eating?
~ Count Calories or fat grams whenever you eat or drink?
~ Feel "out of control" when it comes to food?
~ Binge eat twice a week or more?
~ Still feel fat when others tell you that you are thin?
~ Obsess that your stomach, hips, thighs or buttocks are too big?
~ Weigh yourself several times daily?
~ Exercise to lose weight even if you are ill or injured?
~ Label food as "good" and "bad"?
~ Vomit after eating?
~ Use laxatives or diuretics to keep your weight down?
~ Severely limit your food intake?

If you answered "yes" to any of these questions, your attitude and behaviors around food and weight may need to be seriously addressed.  An eating disorder professional can give you a thorough assessment, honest feedback, and advice about what you may want to do next. 

An eating disorder is NOT just about food.... they're about fear and control.

Monday, September 17, 2012

Are you ready for some football????


Yep our 1st home game of the 2012/2013 season…. Gotta love this time of the year! GO ORANGE GO BIG BLUE….. FIGHT FIGHT BSU!

1st day of School

The first day of 7th and 5th grade for my kids…. Yep I am feeling happy that summer is over! Back to our routine! Look how grown up my babies look!

Kaelee's wedding

Another one of my little cousins got married this summer…. Here is the BEST part…. Her last name is Darling!!!! I LOVE IT! Kaelee Darling!!! This is a picture of Steph, me, Kaelee and Bitt at Kaelee’s wedding!

Camping Trip

Where has the summer gone? I must say, we did have an enjoyable vacation this year. We went on a camping expedition through the red woods and up the Oregon coast! It has been quite a long time since I had slept in a tent. I forgot how much power, running water and even a lumpy bed are appreciated.